Discovering YOU Magazine November 2019 Issue | Page 39


Article by Apostle Connie Foster

Harp of God Ministries in Detroit, Michigan

Article from October 2017 Issue



From the heart of those that are grateful, let me please speak for you. I can't help but think and compare the days that I've lived, not that I'm so very old but sometimes it seems so long ago. Why? Because times have changed so rapidly and I've probably said this before if you would follow me in what I'm writing in this article, that some of today's people are so unthankful. Greed and selfishness are at an all-time high. No one has to wait, share or suffer through for anything. I know that the self-preservation is the first law of nature, but also "do unto others as you would have them to do unto you" matters as well (St. Luke 6:31).

The enjoyment of being a blessing to someone else is so awarding and being thankful for what you have. If you count your blessings, you will not have time to complain about what you don't have. This is the season that heightens our awareness and sensitivity in the area of giving and gratefulness. Being raised in a large family always helps with being kind and having to share with one another. What would be the difference between

thankful and grateful when they both intertwine, seemly so close together? Thankfulness is being aware of a benefit and grateful is feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness. So, if you are thankful then you must show it. Appreciate the goodness that God provides for us and Him being the supplier of our needs (Philippians 4: 19). I think that it is time that we express openly the love that we have for God and for one another. In these days of perilous times, we just don't know if we will be here from one day to another or the next moment (Proverbs 27: 1). Cherish those special times that you share with your family and friends. So, don't forget to say,