Keith Butler
Pure Detroiter Clothing
Keith Butler is with Pure Detroiter Clothing.
Pure Detroit has grown from the ground up, thanks to community support for over 19 years. The first Pure Detroit store opened on Thanksgiving Day in 1998 in the David Whitney Building (architect: Daniel Burnham, 1915) on Woodward Avenue in downtown Detroit. Pure Detroit is also involved with numerous Detroit residential, neighborhood and urban development projects. Pure Detroit's mission is multi-faceted. As urbanists, we strive to help create vibrant ground-level retail activity in downtown Detroit.
LulaRoe Fashion Designs
Feeling Good and Looking Good in Your Skin
Dawn Schulte worked in a major retail store in management for 23 years before deciding she wanted to stay home and run her own business. Dawn went to LulaRoe fashion parties and tried on their clothing and liked the way she looked and felt in the clothing. So now she is an independent fashion consultant for Lylaroe. Then later Dawn added Paprazzi jewelry, a $5.00 a piece jewelry line to her business to enhance the clothing line.
Dawn Schulte, Independent Fashion Consultant for Lylaroe.