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and serves mankind. Yes, we are all from one union and from that union God has given each of us a distinct mission that we have to uniquely accomplish in the time span that we are given.
Each time a man and woman come together and create a child and/or children, God has another opportunity to use someone to complete His plan. Marriage was intended for two unique and whole individuals to come together through the power of love (Agape, Phileo, and Eros). It is through love that God has been able to use mankind to complete His plan by giving each individual their assignments (mission). From the union of
"Each time a man and woman come together and create a child and/or children, God has another opportunity to use someone to complete His plan."
one man and one woman, this has catapulted the institution of marriage through which to give life, to nurture and give substance. This is the mission of marriage. If you are married and you are reading this article, ask yourself if your motive for marrying your spouse is in line with the mission for which it was created. Again, people have many reasons for marrying, but God's mission for marriage came through pureness----love, and through that pureness, He created a plan that will be fulfilled by each one of us who are willing to fulfill their mission.
Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage, (Hebrews 13: 4a, NIV).