Discovering YOU Magazine March 2020 Issue | Page 23


life path.

4. Just say no

If it doesn't bring you joy or add to your life, let it go. Cut out activities that drain your energy and don't give anything back. Saying "no" might be uncomfortable for you, but it isn't mean. It's a way to save you from spending too much physical and mental energy and burning out.

5. Limit screen time

It's so easy to become addicted to your devices, spending way too much time on your phone or computer. Make a point to power down electronics by a certain time each night and wind down before you go to bed. You'll sleep better and have more energy to take on the next day.

6. Live in the present

Avoid getting caught up in the past or future and live life in the present.

Whether you're spending time with loved ones, enjoying your favorite activity or simply cleaning the kitchen, your current activity should be the most important thing in your life at that moment.

As you enter the new year, follow these tips to focus on making yourself happy. When you prioritize and make time for you, success will follow.

"As you enter the new year, follow these tips to focus on making yourself happy. When you prioritize and make time for you, ...."