Discovering YOU Magazine March 2019 Issue | Page 48


Everyday Heroes:

Learning How to Cope and Heal

(It’s okay to take the cape off sometimes)

Article Written by Francine Houston

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30, NIV)

Have you suffered from irritability, unable to concentrate, having memory problems, mood swings, thinking about negative things all the time, emotional outbursts, indecisiveness and lack of a sense of humor? Physical symptoms are muscle tension, unexplained rashes or skin irritations, sweating when not physically active, “butterflies” in the stomach, an inability to sleep or excessive sleep and shortness of breath. You may be suffering from “Superwoman Syndrome” or “Strong Black Woman Syndrome”. I know because I suffer from it from time to time. You try to be everything to everyone; try to be perfect and pleasing to everyone. It can also be linked to lupus, birth outcomes, obesity, and untreated depression. Learning how to cope and deal with stress is a key to be free of its effects.

The characteristics of this “syndrome” are obligated to manifested strength, suppress emotions, resistance to being vulnerable or dependent, determined to succeed despite limited resources and obligated to help others. It has benefits like preservation of self and family or community. However, the liabilities are relationship strain, stress-related health behaviors and stress embodiment.

"Black woman are portrayed to be very heroic but at the same time, not allowed to show any signs

of weakness."