Discovering YOU Magazine March 2018 Issue | Page 33


The 2 AM Call

Article by Lama-Leah

I often times share about personal hardships that I encounter as I walk with the Lord and offer a source of encouragement. However, sometimes when individuals are in need of encouragement, I sometimes forget that ministry needs to be done inside and outside of the church.

Within the past several months, I have been doing quite a bit of traveling for work. My traveling ventures are typically revolved around auditions, agency interviews, and photo shoots, however, on a rare occasion I get to combine Lama-Leah with modeling. This winter I ventured on what I originally thought was going to be a modeling trip that turned into a Lama-Leah trip when I least expected it.

This past January, I drove out of state with my mom to network with industry professionals. I planned out a weekend of business meetings and even though I am naturally extroverted and love modeling and acting, I was exhausted by Saturday night. My last meeting for that Saturday ended up going later than what I had planned. I got back to the hotel around 10:30pm and pretty much collapsed into my bed. I was ready to fall asleep and was ready to begin my travel home the next day.

"I experienced a quiet but yet precious moment. He reminded me of who I am in Christ ...."

At midnight, I was lying in bed, when I heard the still small voice of God. He revealed to me that my mission is to minister to the broken and show that they have value, but even though I do this on a consistent basis, I do not always believe that message deep within my heart. I experienced a quiet but yet precious moment. He reminded me of who I am in Christ and very shortly after that, I fell asleep.

At around 2am, I woke up to my phone ringing. I was reluctant to answer it; however, I knew that if someone was calling me at 2AM, it had to be important. If whatever needed to be said could wait until morning, they would have sent a text message. I answered the phone and before I said anything, I heard the words from a friend saying, “I can’t do this! I can’t do this! Leah, I can’t continue, I am