Article by Pastor Philip Nissley,
New Hope Assembly of God, Taylor, MI
This question was asked by Jesus in John 5:6 because there is a difference between healing and “wholeness”. “Made well or whole” involves a deeper commitment to God in Body, Soul and Spirit with an awareness of His Spirit’s presence in us “that raised Christ Jesus from the dead” (see Rom. 8:11, I Cor. 6:19)! For 2,000 years since that first Resurrection Sunday, testimonies prove God’s NOT Dead, but is very Alive as the GIVER of health and life! The Bible (God’s Book on Health) provides how to stay well with good hygiene, diet, victorious spirit & miracle health. As creator of our bodies, Jesus came to save them and its why John 5:6 and story of crowds in Mark 6:56 cured of all diseases is so important! You must get…
Get Life-giving Words in your heart and commit to Life-changing actions! In Mark 6:56 desperate people were “laying the sick in the marketplaces” so they could get the closest to Jesus and His words. A key to being “made well” is in Proverbs 4:20-22 “incline your ear to my sayings…
keep them in the midst of your heart. For they are LIFE to those who find them and health to all your body!” The Hebrew word for “health” in verse 22 is “medicine.” That’s because the Word of God comes from the One who said in Exodus 15:26 “I am Jehovah Rophe, the Lord your Physician.” God’s Word contains the capacity to produce and effect healing in your body. Psa. 107:20 says “He sent his word and healed them…” So:
Believe God is no respecter of persons and His Word will accomplish what it was sent to do. People here laid their sick family in the path of Jesus because they believed all could be healed. Just like medicine is no respecter of persons for anyone taking it properly, so God is willing to heal any individual that applies the truth of His Word properly. This was the common belief of the Early Church (read Acts 10:38 written by Dr. Luke a physician). Dr. Luke agreed with Peter that “all could be healed” and that the root cause of their sickness was oppression by the devil. Satan “oppresses” with bacteria (out of balance), fear, anger, emotional & generational issues that rob our body, soul and spirit. To overcome this oppression, and forgive/