Discovering YOU Magazine March 2018 Issue | Page 26


More than 25% of all car crashes in the USA are due to handheld phones and non-handheld phones; where other crashes are due to texting while driving which are also on the increase. In 2013 alone, there were 1.2 million wrecks which involved cell phone talkers, while driver’s texting as they were driving caused an additional 341,000 more wrecks.

In concluding this article, here are some of the pros and cons associated with cell phone usage. The good ones listed first.

* Cell phone usage is convenient because it’s so portable. You can take it were a landline cannot go.

* It also allows easy access to the web for on the spot information.

* You can also talk to friends and relatives almost anywhere without a long-distance charge with most companies.

* Parents and children can communicate more in regard to them being late or if they need a ride, for instance.

* Some apps allow you to track your children to see if they are where they are supposed to be, while having their cell phone near them in case of an emergency.

* Picture taking and texting is a plus and many more I did not list.

Here are some cons, but not all the cons.

* Some students have used their cell phones to text the answers of school

exams to another student across the room with their phone being held under their desk out of sight of the teacher.

* I’ve already mentioned possible cancer and car related crashes and deaths.

* Some people becomes additive to their phones and can’t put it down at the dinner table and at parties, for example.

* Instead of communicating with people one on one, face to face, they carry on a social life with constant texting, which in the long run will affect their mental health.

Some people get anxiety if they have to shut off their phones, because it becomes so addicting, these people that can only handle texting versus phone or in person conversations. Kids, in some cases, also do bad in school because they will not put their cell phones down long enough to study and because all their friends are on social media, they live on their phones, while never leaving their homes much.

As a kid, we played with everyone in the neighborhood, and when you talk to a person face to face, you develop better interaction with them versus typing on a screen. Nowadays, I see children staying inside more often and living on their computers and cell phones with no interaction with a person. Research shows that mental health due to cell phone usage is on the rise. Many cell phone addicts are people with low self-esteem and poor social relationships, studies have shown; thus, psychologists think children should be in constant contact with others. There is so much more I could cover that it would take a book, but this information here will hopefully make you look at your phone habits differently.