Discovering YOU Magazine June 2024 Issue | Page 39

Steps to

Emotional Wellness!

Article from March 6, 2018


Article by Dr. Tunishai Ford

As I reflect on what I see in the world today, I see so much dissatisfaction. If you ask the average person what would give them satisfaction and bring them happiness, they probably could not tell you, though most of their answers would be based on tangible things. A new car, a bigger house, a better-paying job will be the responses you would be most likely to hear. Now when their material desires come to fruition, they find that it just brings short-term happiness before they are ready to desire something new.

Let's examine where happiness and satisfaction originate more specifically from an emotional wellness standpoint. When traumatic things happen to us, our emotional stability will affect every area of our lives and determine how we handle and come out of the situation. One's emotional well-being is very pertinent for overall physical and psychological health. It is so relevant that it affects our mortality.

Studies have found that emotional wellness or a lack thereof can be a

significant factor for many sicknesses and diseases such as some forms of cancer, depression, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and obesity. I know firsthand the importance of emotional wellness and how its absence will directly affect your life. I am a cancer survivor, and it has been nine years since I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease. Although no one in the medical field told me this, I firmly believe that the illness was due to stress and emotional instability. Because of being in and out of toxic relationships, I harbored unforgiveness and bitterness in my heart. I had a tumor in my chest the size of a large lemon (9cm). God spoke to my heart and said, "Think it not strange that they found a tumor near your heart."

I decided to make some drastic life changes by taking control of my life from

the inside out. I have discovered that