Discovering YOU Magazine June 2024 Issue | Page 36


temptations and addictions that would compromise my testimony and status with you for Eternity. Come into my life and home so that with renewed courage and boldness, I will be alert to the schemes of the enemy and Godly success that comes from you. Keep my footsteps firm, guard my heart's choices and the path I take each day. Help me be a man of faith, praying a daily covering of blessing over my house, guarded with the armor of God, so I can say “no” to what is wrong, and say “yes” to what is right. Fill my heart with love, compassion, joy, and faithfulness, to make my home Spirit-led and Rapture Ready. In Jesus Name. Amen!” If we can help you let us know by writing [email protected] or contact Dr. Ford editor of this magazine.

assigned by the King. In I Chron. 27:28 it says, “and Joash had charge of the stores of oil”. Be a Joash, Dad…be a Keeper of the Oil at your house. Protect the morality of your children by guarding what they see, hear, and do…by maintaining Holy Spirit oil in your house!

B.While we don’t know how many vessels they brought in, the amount was enough to fully pay the debt and the oil stopped. II Kings 4:6 says “It came about when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, ‘Bring me another vessel. And he said to her, ‘There is not one more vessel. And the oil stopped flowing.” Dads, when you dedicate what you are doing to the glory of God, the supernatural oil in your house will keep flowing! Why should you cheapen your life impact by drugs, alcohol, sexual compromise, or whatever! Determine today to go after value in Daddy’s Oil!

CONCL. God is calling out Dads to rise in these last days, get their homes under the blood protection of God, get their families bathed in the Baptism of the Spirit, and homes Rapture Ready for Jesus’ soon return. How many Men will say like Joshua “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” If you are serious about leading your family to Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Holiness and Heaven pray this prayer:

“Father God…I surrender my life fully to you. I realize that I cannot be the Spiritual Example, Provider, and Protector I am called to be, without the Blood of Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit. Help me walk closely with you in this dark world, free me from