Discovering YOU Magazine June 2024 Issue | Page 31


Article by Dr. Tunishai Ford

Building Equality

in Marriage

Article from July 2021 Issue

During the courtship phase of the relationship, both parties put their best foot forward. It almost becomes a contest seeing which one can outdo the other in being kinder and more thoughtful. The man woos the woman, and the woman is so giddy that she feels like a young teenage girl being in love for the first time. They both look forward to living the rest of their lives together. After the

"He feels that he is bringing home the bacon, maintaining the home, and giving them a decent lifestyle; he ought to be given a pat on the back."

I 'dos' and the honeymoon is over, wow, what often happens? What happens to the wooing and the adventure of the relationship? This is the question that many women who have given their lives to men for many years are asking, with so much dismay, after they have invested so much time and energy trying to create a wonderful and loving environment for their spouses.She is often left feeling rejected and unloved because she is putting all the work into the relationship. All he does is go to work, come home, ask for occasional sex, and watch the latest sports events. He feels that he is bringing home the bacon, maintaining the home, and giving them a decent lifestyle; he ought to be given a pat on the back. In the meantime, his spouse is slowly dying from a lack of attention and affection.

She has the difficult task of raising the children and taking care of the home and her husband’s sexual needs. God forbid if she has a full-time job while trying to do