Discovering YOU Magazine June 2024 Issue | Page 29


unto the third and fourth generation (Numbers 14:18, KJV).

You probably think that all families have issues, but let me ask you this question. Do you want to go through the rest of your life married to someone and their family's problems? Statistically, many marriages end in divorce due to external factors-family. Therefore, look before you leap. Observe what kind of relationship your fiancé has with his mother and sisters and closely observe how she interacts with her father and brothers. Also, consider if there have been multiple marriages with the person you are about to marry. That says a lot about that person.

Personally, I would be quite concerned if a person has been married more than once. Not trying to judge, but that alone is a major issue. Do not be afraid to ask questions about his/ her family and take advantage of every opportunity to go around your future spouse's family. We are in the age of knowledge; therefore, we

"So, if a man or woman is not truly rooted in Christ and emerged in His Word and walking in the knowledge of it, there is a good chance they will have a miserable marriage."

are without excuse. Ask questions. My mother would always tell me that the fruit does not fall far from the tree. So, if a man or woman is not truly rooted in Christ and emerged in His Word and walking in the knowledge of it, there is a good chance they will have a miserable marriage. The opposite is also true when they are rooted in God and His Word. This is what I tell people who are about to take the big plunge. Ask God to show you their hearts and reveal to you any hidden secrets. He loves you and wants you to have His best. Open your eyes real wide, and do not allow yourself to be reeled into something you will later regret.

Marriage is a covenant, not just something you do because you feel like it. Take this act seriously and watch God bless your union.

Listen to CeCe Winans sing

"Never Lost".

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