Discovering YOU Magazine June 2024 Issue | Page 11


of success, and it's a typical area that people get wrong. When embarking on a fitness journey, many people focus on how they feel after the workout is over. A sense of accomplishment, that buzz of electricity, a rush of endorphins. But if you're slogging through a workout - running on a treadmill as you watch the distance tick off, ever so slowly - to feel good after it's over, it's likely you won't stick to it for long. Burnout will kick in quickly and you'll be making excuses to skip the gym. Instead, find an activity that makes you feel good while you're doing it.

Not sure what that is? Try different things. Take a yoga class, experiment with Pilates, book a few sessions with a personal trainer at the gym, join the rowing club on a nearby lake or river, rent a kayak for a few hours. Dust off your bike and get it tuned up, and take it for a spin. Find a pickleball club near you. Get those 10,000 steps in with a neighbor each morning. You'll find something you like to do, guaranteed.

Stick with it past the learning curve. This is key. Give it a shot. It's especially true if you're trying a new activity. Didn't realize how hard it is to hold the downward dog pose in yoga? Feel clumsy in a rowing shell? Can't lift as much weight as you thought you could? Don't sweat it. You don't have to be perfect right away. Most people aren't Serena Williams the first time they pick up a tennis racket. The secret is to give it a little time for your body to get used to those new movements. You'll get better at it. Yoga will get easier, you'll be able to bike farther, Pilates will feel more natural.

. It is at that point you'll start to feel body confidence. And then you're hooked.

Find a community where you feel recognized and supported. Here's where accountability comes into play. But remember, it's not about dutifully reporting in. It's about finding a community to support your fitness goals. It could be a yoga class that you take at the same time each week, or a fitness club you frequent every day after work. It could be a workout buddy you meet up with at the park, a group of neighbors who walk together, a wellness coach who motivates you through your nutrition and fitness routine, or even your dog, who waits at the door each morning with his leash. Numerous studies show how finding community, even if it's a community of just one other person, helps people achieve their fitness goals.

Each of these tips builds on and supports the others. If you pick an activity that you enjoy, you'll experience a heightened emotional response and a greater release of the exercise-induced happy hormones dopamine and serotonin. This induced feeling of joy may encourage you to keep at it. If you keep at it beyond the learning curve, you'll master body movement and feel confident, and that will keep you coming back for more. And if you do it with a buddy, it will elevate your social connections and encourage you further.

Even if those resolutions fell by the wayside, it's not too late to pick them up! And watch how those summer clothes will magically become the right size again, just in time for the warmer weather.