Discovering YOU Magazine June 2018 Issue | Page 32


Article by Apostle Connie Foster

Harp of God Ministries in Detroit, Michigan

The Sacrifice of


What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul? (Mark 8: 36) I speak to you today on the terms of sacrifice. I think often about life and the pleasures it offers to all of us. I think about family, friends and just people in general. Before you can sacrifice the great value of you to someone else, you must sacrifice the great value of you to you. Why can't enough of us change for the better? Some may say that because you're around the negative, you don't see much change. I read a lot and I study man because it's after my own kind. The bible says that you must be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12: 2). People are hiding behind too many faces. Their outward appearance seems fine; of course, we have it all together. It doesn't take much to fool someone by what you look like on the outside but what about your spirit? What about your emotions and what about your life? It takes sacrifice for change.

We often have comfort zones and fortress that we've built on our own. If I'm here, then I can hide not only from you but from myself. I'll work and serve for my worth and/ or value. We all know that time is a commodity and of great importance. We have no room for change on our

"I've watched how people serve others

so faithfully and at the end of the day they're wrecked with no one

to turn too."

schedule or agenda. Biblically in the Old Testament, sacrifices were made in exchange for sins to be forgiven and for the right relationship to be restored with God. According to Romans 12:1 in the holy bible, we must present our bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God. Then it says that it's our reasonable service. Why do we believe that taking care of ourselves are acts of selfishness? I've watched how people serve others so faithfully and at the end of the day they're wrecked with no one to turn too. Being burned out is not fulfillment. You're losing sense of direction and mentally you're whipped. Why lose control of something as precious as one's self?