Discovering YOU Magazine June 2017 Issue | Page 18


5. Seattle

Built on the logging industry, the lumberjack beard never lost its touch in Seattle, making it a top 10 facial hair contender for four years running. What's more, beards and brews naturally go together, and Seattle is known for brewing up great beer as well as its better-looking counterpart, the beard.

6. San Francisco

The capital of cultural bohemianism, San Francisco has a rich hipster culture, which all but demands a sweet 'stache and complementary skinny jeans. The land of fog and all things fabulous is home to the Golden Gate Bridge and a gold rush of facial hair catapulting them up four spots this year.

7. Portland, Ore.

Portland may be a well-kept secret; however, it's no secret it's a hip and happening place boasting food trucks aplenty, coffee shops galore and facial hair for days. The largest and rapidly growing city in Oregon is rich in history, and has more bearded bicyclists per capita than any other U.S. city.

8. Detroit

Known as the heart of the American auto industry, Motor City revved up a hot 26 spots to make the top 10 list. Could this be because all good mechanics have rockin' beards? Since this city is on the upswing with thriving arts and architecture, we think facial hair is there to stay.

9. Houston

"Houston" was the first spoken word from the moon, meaning it's only right that Houstonians sport out-of-this-world facial hair. Speaking of sports, the city is home to six professional major league teams, and we all know athletes like to show off unique scruff - thank you, #FeartheBeard.

10. Chicago

Not all pizza and hot dogs, the Windy City means business when it comes to tall buildings and street style that's inclusive of facial hair. With scruff becoming more widely accepted in the workplace, it's not surprising Chi-town jumped up eight spots to make the top 10 list.

Didn't see your city in the top 10? Check out Wahl's complete list of "Most Facial Hair Friendly Cities" for 2017 at

Whether or not your city made the list, every guy can do his city proud. As the Official Sponsor of Facial Hair, Wahl is looking to sponsor the most fantastic of follicles with its annual Wahl Man of the Year contest. The winner will receive $1,500 and be featured in a national ad. The contest runs through Sept. 28, 2017. More information, including how to enter and official rules, can be found at