Discovering YOU Magazine July 2017 | Page 35


Article and Poem

by Francine Houston



Bonded to sin,

Slave in chains to unrighteousness

until Christ died for my sins

on the cross broke my chains of sins.

Gave me freedom and

Joy within so I must rejoice

out of my slavery walk

out of my wilderness into promise land.

Thank you God I am free to worship You, and

Free to know you

free to have a relationship and

fellowship with you.

-- poem by Francine Houston

"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed", (St. John 8:36, KJV).

"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage", (Galatians 5:1, KJV).

Imagine being in a country that will not allow you to have a relationship with God or even read the bible. There are countries in this world where people are killed and martyred for being Christians.

In America, we are free. We don’t have a

government beating us for reading our bibles or trying to kill us for even going to church. I have never gone to Asia or China, but I read books about how cruel they were to Christians. Sometimes, like many Americans, I even take my freedom for granted.

I remember my life without Christ. I was heading down a road of sin and wickedness. How I was easily influenced by my peers to sin and this continued even into my adult life. My heart cried out for God, my grandmother’s sister prayed for me early in life. My desire for Christ grew and the chains of sin were broken from my life. This is another freedom. Freedom from sin and not to be enslaved to it.

Francine Houston is the author of "Lupus Journey" and she has a number of businesses: Cineik Media, FH DESIGNS , and It Works. Francine is also a graduate of

School of the Bible 2 (2013 ).

Email Francine at [email protected].