Discovering YOU Magazine January 2019 Issue | Page 3

Discovering YOU Magazine



Dr. Tunishai Ford/ Editor and Chief

Richard Jackson/ Techician/ Photographer

Toni Coleman/ Copy Editor and Proofreader Apostle Connie Foster/ Columnist


Pastor Philip Nissley

Lama Leah

Francine Houston

Michael Joseph Lynch

6 Things You Should Know about Your Health Savings

Account (HSA) - by Deb Culhane Pg. 25

5 Tips for Holiday Road Travel

- by Coppertires Pg. 27

5 Important Facts to Teach Kids about Pet Ownership

-by PetSmart Pg. 30

Be Ye Transformed - Yes You Can!

-by Apostle Connie Foster Pg. 32

Transformations in Your Marriage

-by Dr. Tunishai Ford Pg. 35

But That One Thing! -by Dr Tunishai Ford Pg. 37

God Has Greater Purposes for Your Life in 2019!

-by Pastor Philip Nissley Pg. 39

MisJudged! -by Lama Leah Pg. 43

Touching the Hem of His Garment: What the

Wealthy Has That Mondy Can't Buy!

-by Francine Houston Pg. 45

In the Kitchen with Toni and Friends Pg. 47

White Pages Pg. 48


Deb Culhane

From the Editor's Desk Pg. 4

When God Winks at You Pg. 7

Book of the Month Pg. 9

What's New .... Who's Who! Pg. 10

The Potential Dangers of Energy Drinks

- by Michael Joseph Lynch Pg. 12

4 Things You Might not Know about Prescription

Drug Costs - by The CPPI Pg. 16

5 Ways to Refresh Your Winter Style

- by LG Corp Pg. 19

5 Ways to get Financially Fit This New Year

- by Marcus by Goldman Sachs Pg. 21

Cover by Francine Houston