Discovering YOU Magazine February 2019 Issue | Page 18


5 Fitness Trends

on the Rise

in 2019

Article by Brian Zehetner, Planet Fitness Director

(BPT) - When looking ahead to the rest of the year, so many get excited about the latest trends, gadgets or gizmos getting the most attention as they look for what they might be interested in for themselves or their family. The world of health and fitness is an area that is always evolving to the point there's continuously something new to try, and sometimes it can even reach the point of feeling overwhelming. Brian Zehetner, Planet Fitness' Director of Health and Fitness, helps cut through the noise by synthesizing what he sees as five major fitness trends that are likely to make the biggest impact in 2019:

1. 30-minute workouts: People are more time-crunched than ever and they want comprehensive and effective workouts that can be done in relatively short time frames. Ideally, these workouts include both a cardio component and a strength component. We may even see more 15- and 20-minute workout programs popping up this year and beyond! Planet Fitness offers an entire 30-minute workout area for those looking to get in and get out, allowing you to get a full-body workout using a mix of weight machines for strength training alternated with steppers

for great cardio.

2. Programs geared toward teens and young adults: Expect an influx of youth-oriented workouts and wellness opportunities in 2019. With new guidelines from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommending at least 60 minutes of aerobic physical activity for kids every day, we expect to see even more youth, teens and young adults reenergizing their daily activity.

3. Certified training: More and more people are looking to certified trainers to help them not just with exercise form or