Discovering YOU Magazine February 2019 Issue | Page 16

6 Simple Tips for Thriving

with Diabetes

Article by Randy Jackson, Entertainer

Your Heart Health

(BPT) - Randy Jackson is best known as an award-winning producer, music industry expert and beloved television personality. But what many people don't know is that Jackson has also been managing the everyday reality of living with diabetes for 18 years. More than 30 million Americans live with diabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Whether that's you or someone you care for, it's clear that diabetes impacts many daily decisions. While everyday life with diabetes can feel overwhelming at times, there are small, tangible steps you can take to improve your everyday reality. Below are six simple tips from Jackson to stay healthy and keep smiling.

1. Make healthy choices. You don't have to give up the foods you love, but pay attention to what you eat and how much of it hits your plate. Growing up in

Louisiana, I ate a lot of rich Southern-fried food and I just didn't pay attention to the portions. (Just how good it tasted!) When I moved to LA, there was always food around on tour or in the studio. Today I'm more conscious of what I eat and how much. I don't think of food as "good" or "bad," but instead think about which foods provide nutrition and keep my blood sugar in check. Everything in moderation.

2. Embrace movement. As with diet, you don't have to change overnight. Just make sure you're staying active. When I was first diagnosed with diabetes, I weighed around 350 pounds and exercise just wasn't part of my life. I slowly eased into an exercise plan that worked for me, starting with something as simple as walking. Today, I go to the gym regularly, enjoy playing tennis, yoga Pilates. Find fun ways to incorporate