Discovering YOU Magazine Draft October/ November Special 2024 Issue | Page 30


Governor’s Palace

person or online. When arriving make the Visitor Center your first stop, where they have FREE Parking, where some paid parking is inside the city, then throughout the city they have Bus Stops for you to ride on having FREE Complimentary Rides.

You will find that there are 5 Accommodations here, which are all top-of-the-line resorts and historic Inns onsite, but the budget friendly hotels are within a few miles of this place. There are plenty of dining choices to please all tastes, some of which is Modern Food, Family & Casual, Grills, while others are made from authentic recipes from back in the 1700s at the 4 Historic Taverns, plus a Bakery onsite. They even have a restaurant that was frequented by President George Washington for seafood.

Now, this place comes alive during

I went to this next attraction back in 1996, and this place is a must-see attraction for anyone who loves history. The closest attraction I can compare this attraction to is our Greenfield Village in Dearborn. Still, Williamsburg was a real city back in the 1700s, where Greenfield Village are houses from the 1800s to early to mid-1900s that were disassembled in other states or nearby cities for instance, and then reassembled there at the village.

You will find that Williamsburg was the Capitol of Virginia from 1699 to 1780. Williamsburg's historic area includes 89 original 18th-century buildings and hundreds more buildings that have been reconstructed based on historical records and archaeological research. The historic area of Williamsburg is One Mile Long and 1/2 Mile Wide, but not everything is open all the time, plus some of the buildings there are still private residences. You need to walk the entire length of the Duke of Gloucester Street, where all the sidewalks there are red bricks where you will see most of the main attractions. So, look for the Grand Union Flag; it shows that a building or location is open to the public.

Now, when you arrive here, they are open 365 Days a Year from 9am to 5pm mainly. Tickets can be purchased in

The Courthouse

One of many shops at Christmas