minds (Romans 12:2), we begin to look and act like the one who created us. Unfortunately, there are many Christians who are not walking in perfect synchronicity with God, because their choice is to select what part of God's word they want to keep. His word becomes a smorgasbord; we are astute in a few areas of the word, but we grossly fall short in following and adhering to the rest of it. For example, there is a dangerous rise in divorce among Christians today, and what has become very prevalent in many marriages is the lack of respect and honor that couples have for one another. Remember, marriage is the first institution that God created, and it is holy and honorable to Him (Genesis 2:24). There are Christian couples who do not have a clue as to how to have a happy and fulfilled marriage, yet they feel entitled to having abundance of wealth, material goods and operate fluently in a ministry with spiritual gifts. They tip toe lightly around this issue of failed marriages and focus solely on the other matters. When they have other struggles such as financial and adverse spiritual attack, they blame their partner and refuse to see that their lack comes from not being in right relationship with each other.
The perfect synchronicity with God is not something that is out of reach for Christians, but it is definitely a process that may take years to obtain and come to fruition. We may often get caught up with the cares of this life (I John 2:15 - 17) and we put God on the back burner, but He is never afar off from us. Our souls should desire to be near Him. We should desire
to seek His face and not always His hand, and when we surrender our faults, and our will to Him, I believe that we will be in sync with Him and walk in His perfect will. We will begin to experience His best for us in every area of our lives. We will come to know the best of both worlds. We will experience the abundant life down here by being in perfect synchronicity with God and eternal life in our heavenly abode. Just as Jesus' life reflected a perfect and fulfilled relationship with his Heavenly Father, we can expect the same. Daily, I ask God to show me-me. I also ask Him to give me a life makeover. I truly desire to be on one accord with Him by having that personal relationship with Him that He so much desires. We as believers should desire to know Him in a greater measure by allowing Him to engulf us with His love and teach us how to walk in victory in every area of our lives.