Discovering YOU Magazine December 2019 Issue | Page 24

Pre-Party Rituals to Look & Feel

Your Best This Holiday Season

Article featured by BPT.

(BPT) - With the drastic drop in temperatures also comes the most festive time of the year. The holiday season isn't just the cheeriest time, but also the busiest. With so many upcoming holiday celebrations to look forward to, you'll want to make sure you not only look your best, but also feel your best! We can all use some extra fuel during the holiday season, so here are a few tips to help you create your own pre-party ritual this holiday season to help you do more all season long!


Taking the time to plan ahead will alleviate last-minute stress and make you feel super organized as you get ready. Best practices to consider adding to your pre-party ritual include:

Drink More Water: Staying hydrated helps maintain both your energy levels and mood, so that you can feel your best.

Eat Clean: Trying to eat clean the day before or on the days leading up to your event will allow you to feel less bloated, more energized and overall healthier.

Get Enough Sleep: Hitting the hay early the night before a big party is a must-do. Getting enough sleep will help prevent dull and dehydrated skin, dark circles and a fuzzy brain - it's something you will thank yourself later for!

Pick Your Look Ahead of Time: No one wants to be running around before an event finding nothing to wear, so pulling your final look together in advance of the party is crucial to your pre-party ritual!