Discovering YOU Magazine December 2017 Issue | Page 18


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Top 4 Nutrition Predictions

in the New Year

(BPT) - Several food and nutrition trends were in the spotlight this year, including the continued rise of plant-based diets, non-dairy ice creams and superfoods that are blasts from the past - legumes, apples and cabbage. It can be easy to experience nutrition whiplash in the New Year, but don't be a victim. Get a jump-start on understanding the top nutrition trends that will impact quality of life and make it easier to add important vitamins and nutrients to the body.

"The start of a fresh year always ushers in new opportunities to make one's health better," said Elizabeth Somer, MA, RD and author of "Eat Your Way to Sexy." "Study after study consistently finds that most Americans don't meet even minimum standards of a balanced diet, so it's important to be aware of advances in nutrition, so you can optimize your health all year long."

There are four key nutrition predictions that will top 2018.

No. 1 - Personalized nutrition

A one-size-fits-all approach that can be applied to vitamins, minerals, omega-3s and other essential nutrients doesn't align with what research reveals about individual nutrient needs. Many factors tweak the basic recommendations, including age, gender, health status, medication use, stress level, sleep habits, exercise routines and more.

For example, when the body is exposed to ultra violet (UV) light, it manufactures vitamin D; however, as we age, the body becomes less and less efficient at making vitamin D. This is when dietary and supplement sources become increasingly more important while the needs for the vitamin increase.

It is no wonder there will be a growing trend and demand for personalized nutrition recommendations in 2018. Nutrition innovators - like - are already responding by developing comprehensive nutritional assessments to curate unique combinations of vitamins and nutrients designed specifically to the individual consumer.