Discovering YOU Magazine July 2023 Issue | Page 39


brothers who by appearance could have been suited to be a good king. God chose David because He had more faith and honored God more than his brothers, and David was fearless because he placed his trust in God. God could have easily made David king at that time, but it was not the time (season). David had to mature in every area of his life, and there were other factors pertaining to that time in history that needed to be fulfilled.

Are you waiting on God to reveal His plan for your life, and are you waiting for that perfect timing in which His plan for you will come to fruition? Do not be discouraged; His plan during His perfect season for you will come to pass. Like King David, God is preparing us for greatness by making sure we do not get out there too soon. Therefore, He wants us to be mature in every area of our lives so that we will not fail. When God exalts us, He desires stability and often longevity in that calling. He wants to make sure that He can entrust you with His plan. Also, His plan for your life will

come forth to impact history and the world. When He launches us out there to fulfill His plan, the timing (season) will complement the signs of the time.

God wants all of us to have an impact on the world no matter how big or small. We are world changers and God has a season for all of us to fulfill His perfect plan. Many have already walked in their season and fulfilled their purposes, and God has called them home to make room for the next group that He has planted on the earth for service. And so it will be when your time is up; it is a cycle. God has a time and season for all of us to have a place in it (Ephesians 1: 9, 11). It is your choice to submit to His perfect will and allow Him to govern your footsteps to fulfill His plan during that perfect season.

Remember, when it is your season and you are doing what God has ordained you to do, nothing will hinder His plan. He will move mountains to see it come to fruition. He will walk with you side by side to assure you that you are not alone. Once God starts something, He finishes it. Therefore, remember He's got your back.

"God wants all

of us to have an impact on the world no matter how big or small. We are world changers and God has a season for

all of us to fulfill

His perfect plan."

"Like King David, God is preparing us for greatness ...."