Discovering YOU Magazine July 2023 Issue | Page 33




Article by Pastor Philip Nissley,

New Hope Assembly of God, Taylor, MI

woman found freedom when caught in adultery. A thief on the cross was about to be executed when Jesus set his soul free!

Spiritual freedom is not dependent on physical circumstances that led or contributed to your bondage. Jesus can set you free in your marriage without causing a divorce. Jesus can set you free when you are overdrawn in your checkbook without making a deposit. Jesus can set you free from past or current failures without requiring a Moving Truck. While Jesus may lead us to make, physical or circumstantial changes ...freedom comes by believing this Word and letting its Power fully work in your life!

B.This freedom offered by Jesus is purposeful. Jesus describes this freedom He offers coming from abiding in His truth. As we abide in Christ we are released from the chains of the world and released to become all God created

On July 4, the USA was 247 years old, but unless you have lived a sheltered life, you have experienced an enslaved soul or know loved ones who struggle to break free from ungodly addiction and chains. To those living in bondage, Jesus in John 8 offers…



In John 8:32 amid spiritual slavery to sinful vices, Jesus makes one of the most amazing claims in history “the truth (Jesus shares) will make you free!”

A.This freedom offered by Jesus is spiritual. You see, true freedom is not limited to changing your outward circumstances. Jesus can free you wherever you are. Paul was on the road to Damascus persecuting Christians. The prodigal was in a pig pen. Peter was in a boat fishing. The woman of Samaria was drawing water from a well. Another