Discovering YOU Magazine August 2018 Issue | Page 32


Article by Dr. Tunishai Ford

This Team that God

Calls Marriage!

I know how important the marriage institution is to the overall well-being, security and growth of our world. Hey, it must carry a lot of clout because it was the very first institution God made even before the church came on the scene (Genesis 2: 22 – 24). It was the beginning of the union between two people who loved and cherished each other and it was through their existence that God brought increase to every aspect of our world. For this reason, I am greatly concerned about the state of affairs that I see marriages facing today. Instead of the institution of marriage growing, it appears that if many people had their way, they would just do away with marriage all together. I am aware that God created marriage to give men and women an outlet to express love, affection and passion for one another and in doing so; they have the opportunity to also achieve great feats by working as a team.

This team that God calls marriage is the greatest team on earth because by its existence many great accomplishments can be achieved. The first one that comes to mind is the achievement of growth in character. God did not just put two

people together to enjoy sexual copulation and procreate. Yes, that is a major reason, but when a man and a woman come together in marriage, they should bring out the best in each other through maturity in their psychological and spiritual involvement. It is said that the first five years of marriage is the most difficult, because it is when a couple will truly see what they are made of. When a couple can get past those initiation years, so to speak, then they can prepare themselves for a lifetime of growth (increase) in every area of their lives. Every area of their marriage is intended to be blessed. If a couple is not growing in their marriage and there is no increase in experiencing satisfaction, then that marriage is in trouble and on the verge of destruction.