it took time and because of the healing process that took place, I can have joy”. It took several trials, that at times felt as if they would never end, for my relationship with Yeshua to be where it is currently. James 1:2-4 has been a pivotal Bible verse for me. During most of my journey through those difficult times, I have clung to this verse, however, there were times that I have not always believed this in my heart. I have learned that living in past mistakes and guilt are .
".... spiritual warfare is a guarantee that you are
doing something right, or God is going to use you
in a special way in the future."
not worth the heartache. Only through the hope I have in Christ, I can face living Not only can I have a full life, I can have one that is meaningful because I can live it for the Lord.
Do you notice how this verse says, “whenever you face trials?” Trials are a fact of life, especially in the Christian walk, when you are keeping eternity in mind while going through the motions of life. The Devil will attempt to distract and attack us. At the end of 2016, I met a man of faith at a local coffee shop. Around