Discovering YOU Magazine April 2019 Issue | Page 38


7. They really are HOT Dogs

Not only are dogs wearing a huge fur coat, they also have to contend with a higher body temperature than you. Human's have a body temperature of 37C, but a dog’s is 38C. That’s one reason fleas are more likely to be attracted to your dog than to you. And unlike humans, dogs don’t have sweat glands all over their body, just on the pads of their paws.

9. Dogs are very Resourceful - watch video

In Russia, stray dogs learned to use the subway to travel to areas with more restaurants and food stands where they scavenge and even scare people for food.

8. Dog Urine can Corrode Metal

Apparently allowing your dog to wee on a lamp-post could be more dangerous than you think - because the acids in the urine can corrode the metal. In April 2003 Derbyshire County Council spent £75,000 carrying out a six month survey of one million lamp-posts amid fears that dog wee was causing the bases to crumple. In the same year, urinating dogs were blamed for a spate of lamp-posts collapsing in Croatia.

10. Dogs suffer from Jealousy - watch video

They are just as likely to turn into a green eyed monster as humans, according to scientists in California. Researchers studied 36 dogs from 14 breeds and found that most were indifferent when their owners ignored them until the owners showered their attention on a stuffed dog. Then their behaviour changed dramatically, sparking snapping and snarling.

Were you impressed by some of these amazing dog facts? We’d love to hear from you! Leave your comments below and let us know!