Discovering YOU Magazine April 2019 Issue | Page 16

to function as a whole person in the Kingdom - emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, relationally and in all areas. Esther’s healing could have included removal of trauma, grief, loss, an orphan spirit, abandonment, to name only a few.

SEASONS of CONSECRATION and DYING TO SELF - The next six months included baths with sweet spices, which represent consecration (Esther 2:12). This season of surrender and consecration to the will of God prepared her to die to self. We see the result of this in her statement, “If I perish, I perish…”. (Esther 4:16) Consecration also removes traces of the old man from us (I Corinthians 3: 1-3), which is essential for sacred service.

Deborah with Catapult Uganda Co-Host and TRIGA Outreach International Leaders discuss national transformation with The Honorable Godfridah Sumaili, Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs, National Assembly (Parliament) of Zambia

SEASONS of UNCOMMON FAVOR - These seasons of favor were to remind Esther of who she is, and that her journey was one of divine providence (Esther 2:9,15,17; 5:2-8; 7:2)

SEASONS of TESTING - These seasons mature and refine us (Job 23:10-12). In the face of opposition our faith is tested and confidence in God is tried. But like Esther, we can receive grace to remain steadfast and focused on our assignment. (2 Corinthians 12:9).

The Catapult Uganda! 2019 project, will be creating sustainable businesses for youth, improving health and wellness, and building Christian leaders and communities through transformational and servant leadership principles and practices.

SEASONS of PRAYER & FASTING - Esther needed God-given wisdom and courage for what she was about to do, and understood the power of fasting with prayer for breakthroughs. (Esther 4:16) Prayer accompanied with fasting sharpens our spiritual senses, destroys strongholds of evil and will usher in great moves of God in the earth. (Isaiah 58:1-14).

SEASONS of STRATEGIZING - Esther’s inner and outer beauty divinely positioned her in the King’s palace, however, the FULFILLMENT of her divine assignment required seasons of strategizing. God’s purposes will require seasons of planning and developing a course of action, networking, risk taking, sensitivity to right timing, mentorship, ability to seize opportunities, effective communication & persuasion skills, the ability to overcome obstacles, sensitivity to God's leading, cooperation with Holy Spirit, and grace to navigate successfully through each season of preparation.