Discovering YOU Magazine April 2018 Issue | Page 32


Article by Apostle Connie Foster

Harp of God Ministries in Detroit, Michigan

The Best is Yet

to Come

Have you ever started a day without knowing what in the world to expect? Well that's about normal. To rise actually being out of total control, but humble enough to pause in the midst of hoping to gather yourself, so that you can plan an agenda for the day.

Well as a writer this is where I am today. Most of the time, I'm waiting until my deadline date to write this "Glorious Living" article. It's not that I'm not preparing to write, but I want to be sure that I'm writing under the expectancy as the author and that I am able to give my readers what they expect.

Being creatures of habit, we will quickly draw conclusions about everyone else's lives and not expect anything of ourselves. As dreamers of hope and recipients of the God given ability to create, we must expand our boundaries beyond the sight of our natural vision.

One must expect different in order to receive different. I don't have a particular style of writing and I am not an English major as you probably know by now. But I do have faith. The "Now faith" is because of the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen (Heb. 11:1). So, when these articles are written, and I do hope that you are enjoying them,

"When you are expecting, there is a waiting process because you have already been impregnated .... "

I always expect with the help of the Lord that I will provide for the readers a revelation piece that will at least spark enough of an interest for you to think about what I am saying.

When you are expecting, there is a waiting process because you have already been impregnated with a vision, a hope and/ or a dream to have, to hold or become. We can never reach a point of nonproduction. We would not be living but existing; only to be compared to a soul without salvation; just like the walking dead. (cf: Deitrick Haddon). When I received the call to become the writer for this great magazine, I never expected to be still writing years later and that this magazine would have subscribers all over the world. After the surprise of being chosen, there was a need to expect within myself to do the