Discover the world (January - June. 2014) | Page 4

It was the cradle of the illustration and the

renaissance. It is the country with the major number of declared places cultural

heritage of the humanity, it was a home of influential families, as the Medici, which big leaders contributed to the political life and three popes to the Holy Mother Church. It saw to be born to illustrious prominent figures as Galileo Galilei, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Bernini and Nicolas Maquiavello. It has done big contributions to the literature, by means of Luigi Pirandello, recognized for "Six prominent figures in search of author" and Dario Fo, author of "Accidental Death of an anarchist",

winners of the Nobel prize of Literature.

Italy is an enormous set of works where the landscape and the culture live in natural communion with the history and the art, the architecture and the urbanism: to visit Italy is an exciting trip that it begins in the epoch of the former Romans and Greeks up to coming to our time, equally richly in artistic and cultural attractions.

Itally has been

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The Etruscans

Aliquam varius adipiscing tempor. Vivamus id ipsum sit amet massa con-sectetur porta. Class aptent taciti soci-osqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Prae-sent dignissim ultrices neque. Aliquam auctor congue nunc sed interdum. Aen-

whose historic center was Tuscany, its origin is uncertain , records that have on them , indicating that they came from the East, possibly in Asia Minor , which seem to corroborate some studies but not definitive evidence.

From Tuscany have spread south to the northern part of Lazio and Campania, where they clashed with the Greek colonies; to the north of the peninsula occupied the area around the River Po Valley, in the current region of Lombardy. They became a great naval power in the Western Mediterranean , which allowed them to establish factories in Sardinia and Corsica. Until the 5th century, the community began to deteriorate as the force referred to having started strongly deteriorate its power by having to almost simultaneously confront the Celtic invasions and attacks by Greeks and Carthaginians. His final defeat by the Romans, was facilitated by such clashes and that the Etruscans never formed a unified state solidly but a kind of loose confederation of medium-sized cities.

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They are one of the most significant groups,

a craddle of big civilizations as the Etruscan one, the Greek and the Roman.