Discover the world (January - June. 2014) | Page 15

there are many reasons...

Italy is outlined also in the international community for his performance succeeded in the Football,

In Venice, which is known as a humid city by his great quantity of channels, there waits for the visitors a curious form materialized in the great channel of Venice that with his almost 4km of length, it crosses the city planning one "S" and dividing the city in two parts.

Other of these representative and totally safe places, it is Naples, which from unmemorable times has been famous for being a home of big and majestic castles, palaces and museums. Likewise, Naples is constant visited so it is the point of item towards great quantity of sites that is worth visiting, since for example, Pompeii that was buried after the eruption of the Vesuvius in 79 A.C.

*Nicolle Valentina Vera Vega -

Law Student

haste that has led to the country to being four times a champion of the World Cup, the last one of these occasions in the world one of Germany in 2010 opposite to France. In addition, Italy, for his nearness to the Alps it possesses a wide range of opportunities and facilities due adapted to practice winter sports.

About Florence, is necessary to highlight so called "Duomo of Florence" that is the cathedral of Florenceā€™s catholic Roman Archdiocese and that becomes notable by his dome, which is one of the modals of wealth and power that during the epoch they were a part of the capital of the Toscana.

In Venice, which is known as a humid city by his great quantity of channels, there waits for the visitors a curious form materialized in the great channel of Venice that with his almost 4km of length, it crosses the city planning one "S" and dividing the city in two parts.

Other of these representative and totally safe places, it is Naples, which from unmemorable times has been famous for being a home of big and majestic castles, palaces and museums. Likewise, Naples is constant visited so it is the point of item towards great quantity of sites that is worth visiting, since for example, Pompeii that was buried after the eruption of the Vesuvius in 79 A.C.