Discover Norman 2019-2020 | страница 4

2019 - 2020 CITY GUIDE DISCOVER NORMAN DRINK • CHILL • EAT • SHOP • PARTY MARK MILLSAP | Publisher CODY GILES | Art Director Contributing Writers + Photographers MARLA GARCIA CODY GILES STACI ELDER HENSLEY KYLE PHILLIPS Account Executives MARISE BOEHS JAN GIZA REBECCA HOWE JENNIFER JEPSON AUSTIN OSBURN A PUBLICATION OF Discover Norman is a special publication of TranscriptMedia and The Norman Transcript, 215 E Comanche St, Norman, OK 73070. (Phone: 405.321.1800). Letters should be sent to: P.O. Drawer 1058, Norman, OK 73070. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content in any manner, without permission is prohibted. Address advertising inquiries to Mark Millsap, 405.366.3590 or [email protected]. Discover Norman can be found online.