Amit K Singh
Finally our efforts and your consistent
contributions and support paid off and here we
are with our first edition of our much awaited
magazine, Discover Civil. It would be unfair to
say that this magazine is a vision of a single
person. There is always a reason behind every
move, every new business, and every new
start-up. There is always a story.
The story of this magazine is too like the other.
We found a reason and we found a vacuum,
and this magazine is an effort to fill that
vacuum. It’s a tale which starts a year ago.
When a sudden idea crept into our mind to
start a magazine. Just a magazine. Like other,
the magazine would publish construction
news, product launches and few technical
blogs. Our motive was simple, to make money.
We were not a bunch of writers who straight
away could start a magazine out of nowhere.
So we decided to wait and check our
resources. This wait helped us find us our
direction. We met more people from our
industry, we met engineering students, and we
interacted with internationally via our
community pages and realized that a lot better
could be done. This was the point where we
realized that there is a lot of ground to cover
and there are more innovative measures that
we can take to initiate a ground breaking
Our first aim was to organize a magazine
which connects every spectrum of our
construction industry, be it students, fresher,
experienced engineers and contractors.
Magazines today are news tabloid about the
project launch, product launch and featured
articles about any specific company. We didn’t
see that these magazines were connecting the
masses. While you are reading this how many
construction magazine names you know? One,
Two or none.
Of course they exist and they have their reader
but they are very specific and scattered. A
majority reader belong to contractor
community where they seek launch news and
business opportunities. Without a doubt these
magazines are doing quite well at what they
aim to. Contrary to that, we don’t focus on
product launch, rather we tell you why that
product is good for you, what are its pros and
cons. We won’t publish a paid article praising a
company’s product or its history rather we
would love to analyze company’s impact on our
industry. We made our magazine fun to read
experience for all.
The Engineering students, who would be the
key to our construction industry in future were
being avoided till now. This magazine would
connect them from rest of the construction
fraternity. We are even seeking their active
participation to help us grow into a massive
family of Civil Engineers and Builders. We also
kept our language simple using simple
vocabulary so as to be adaptable and readable
as many readers possible.
So how much should we charge for our
magazine? Should we charge? No we
shouldn’t. Let knowledge and experiences
reach out to every person of our family. Let’s
not create any monetary barrier.