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its height. The Y-shape plan is ideal for residential Gulf. Viewed from above or from the base, the form and hotel use in that it allows the maximum views also evokes the onion domes of Islamic architecture. outward without overlooking a neighboring unit. The To support the unprecedented height of the building, wings contain the residential units and hotel guest the engineers developed a new structural system rooms, with the central core housing all of the called the buttressed core, consisting of a hexagonal elevators and mechanical closets. The tower is core reinforced by three buttresses that form the ‘Y’ serviced by five separate mechanical zones, located shape, enabling the building to support itself laterally approximately 30 floors apart over the height of the and keeps it from twisting. The result is a tower that building. Located above the occupied reinforced is extremely stiff laterally and torsionally. It is also a concrete portion of the building are the structural very efficient structure because the gravity load- steel spire, housing communication, and mechanical resisting system has been used to maximize its use floors, and completing the architectural form of the in resisting lateral loads also. tower. The result is an efficient building in terms of its Most of the tower is functionality, a reinforced concrete structural system, structure, except for and response to the the top, which wind, while still consists of a maintaining the structural steel spire integrity of the initial with a diagonally design concept. braced lateral The tower’s Y- system. High- shaped floor plan not performance only has aesthetic concrete is utilized and functional throughout. The advantages but is concrete mix was also ideal for designed to provide a providing a high low-permeability yet performance, high-durability efficient structure. Structural system description The tower is composed of three elements arranged around a central core. As the tower rises from the flat concrete. Wall and column concrete strengths range from C80 to C60 cube strength (11.6 kips per square inch (ksi) to 8.7 ksi cube strength), and contain portland cement, fly ash, and local aggregates. The C80 concrete has a specified Young’s Elastic desert base, setbacks occur at each element in a Modulus of 43,800 N/mm2 (6,350 ksi) at 90 days. spiraling pattern, decreasing the cross section of the Structural analysis tower as it reaches toward the sky. There are 27 terraces in Burj Khalifa. At the top, the central core The entire building structure was analyzed for gravity emerges and is sculpted to form a finishing spire. A (including P-Delta analysis), the wind, and seismic Y-shaped floor plan maximizes views of the Persian loadings utilizing ETABS version 8.4, from Computers and Structures, Inc. The 3D analysis model consisted