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Construction Issue ground motion. The frame of a building should have adequate ductility so as to permit energy dissipation through plastic deformations. For important and tall buildings proper dynamic analysis should be carried out. Soil & Foundation Building constructed on fills suffer severe damage Hard foundation is found to be suitable for all types of building. Construction of buildings on loose soil such as filled up should be avoided unless proper care is taken in the foundation design. Loose sandy soil with high water table subjected to violent ground shaking which may lead to liquefaction. The liquefaction causes damage to buildings due to differential settlement, tilting or sinking. Isolated footings undergo differential settlement. Tall buildings resting on piles withstood earthquakes well. Structures on hill slopes where landslide is expected, should be avoided. Detailing Inadequate quantities and anchorage of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement cause damage/ failure. Splicing joints are weak against earthquakes. Column splicing should be provided in the middle of the column he