Discover Anderson Spring 2024 | Page 22

DISCOVER | Wintry Family Adventure
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire may be a wonderful image described in an ageless Christmas carol . It can also serve as inspiration for planning fun times this winter . Families seeking their own enchanting experiences need only look to local offerings . There are indoor and outdoor options to enjoy one another ’ s company this winter season .
MOUNDS STATE PARK Kelley Morgan , a naturalist at Mounds State Park , spends her days creating opportunities for visitors to experience what she calls “ intergenerational memory-making .”
“ Our winter programs are to provide them with fun , and to keep the state parks fresh in their minds ,” Morgan said . “ People tend to forget about state parks when the weather turns cold . The reason Mounds State Park exists is that we have ten native American earthworks on its property that can be enjoyed all winter long . The idea is to come together to learn and have fun .”
There ’ s the Winter Solstice Walk on the first day of winter , Thursday , December 21st . The Visitor ’ s Center is the meeting place at 4:45 p . m . The walk has sometimes attracted as many as 200 people who gather to watch the sun go down together and to enjoy a hike in nature . Morgan said it ’ s a great way to introduce modern people to what people have experienced for thousands of years .
Those who make resolutions in the new year , or even those who don ’ t , will want to join the First Day Hike . The event is held in parks all over the state on January 1st . The one at Mounds State Park invites visitors to come as early as 4:30 p . m . to sip a warm beverage before the walk , which starts at 5:30 p . m .
“ It ’ s especially good for those who ’ ve made resolutions to get healthy and also to enjoy nature ,” Morgan said . “ The year it was negative 15 windchill , I had 45 people who came . It is not weather dependent , as in , if there is weather , there will be a hike ,” Morgan said with a laugh .
Every December weekend , on Fridays , Saturdays , and Sundays , there will be drive-through Nights of Lights at $ 10 per car , to raise funds for a new playground at Mounds State Park .
Many workshops are offered at Mounds State Park , including crafting , learning skills , and making walking sticks . Details are being finalized for January and February . They are listed at https :// www . facebook . com / moundsstatepark and on the website , https :// on . in . gov / moundssp .
22 | Spring 2024