Discover Anderson Fall/Winter 2023 | Page 4

DISCOVER | welcome travelers

Family – Happiness - Shopping

I love this time of year . The trees transition to colorful landscapes . Temperatures slowly drop to welcome fleece apparel and fireside chats . That quickly transitions to thoughts of ‘ home for the holidays ’ with family-filled houses . In previous publications , I ’ ve talked about visiting friends and relatives and all the unique things to do during the end of the year . There are more articles on that in this publication . This time , I want to hit on some of the unique shopping experiences Madison County has to offer for your end of year shopping needs . Each part of the county has something to offer . I will try to bring it full circle .
Starting in Elwood , Simple Goodness Soaps makes their own hand-crafted soaps , lotions , and fragrances .
In downtown Elwood you will find Gypsy Soul with their quaint boutique and their wares . With a short drive , you will find Soap & Sunshine Apothecary in Alexandria with their all-natural bath and aromatherapy . A slight jaunt into downtown Alexandria , you will find the McCurry ’ Osity Shop with locally crafted items with a hometown vibe . Making our way south , let ’ s pull over to visit Seasons of the Heart Gift Shoppe and their unique one-of-a-kind arrangements and gifts . Save time to visit the Apple Butter Barn Country Store in Pendleton with their cozy shop selling keepsakes , decorations , candles and such . Last but not least on this list is Willow by Greg Adams in Lapel with their authentic , handmade rustic willow furniture and accessories . This is a small sample of the offerings near you . Get out and shop local .
Full circle – family , happiness and shopping – the above picture is my wife holding a newborn goat while shopping at Simple Goodness Soaps . Home is where the heart is . My heart is in Madison County .
“ We Are Madison County ” is a celebration of meaningful groups and individuals who make up Madison County ’ s unique and cherished culture . The Anderson Madison County Visitors Bureau is partnering with the Madison County Chamber of Commerce , Madison County Community Foundation , Madison County Economic Development and South Madison County Community Foundation to highlight successes around our county . Each organization finds or creates content that promotes quality of place every other month for a newsletter for email distribution . Limited quantities are also printed and distributed around the county .
We celebrate community partnerships . We are human-focused . We unite , not divide . We promote , not advertise . We advocate , not politicize . Scan the code to sign up for our email list .

Mark Thacker



special publication of
EDITOR | Jim Meyer DESIGN | Kaylee Stewart
CONTRIBUTORS Mark Thacker , Maureen Lambert , Cheryl Shank , Vanessa Orr , Julie Campbell , Kim Ousley
PHOTOGRAPHY Mike Chandler / Hoosier Park , Dale Pickett , Ali Adams , Connor Carr , Julie Campbell
ADVERTISING The Herald Bulletin 765.640.2309
Official publication for
6335 S . Scatterfield Road , Anderson , IN 46013 Phone : 765.643.5633 Toll-free : 800.533.6569
VISITORS BUREAU STAFF Mark Thacker , Executive Director Esther Cleary , Office Manager
Maureen Lambert , CTIS Marketing / Tourism Director
Ali Adams , Digital Content Coordinator
Cheryl Shank , CCEP Tourism Specialist
Copyright 2023 by The Herald Bulletin . No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without permission . Advertisements and listings in this publication are provided as a public service to travelers . The Anderson Madison County Visitors Bureau and The Herald Bulletin are not responsible for errors or omissions , and inclusion does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation . All information is subject to change .