Discover Anderson 2023 | Page 9

Madison County is celebrating all year long its 200th year ! Here are some events planned around the county :
• July 23 - Countywide Birthday Bash : 10 a . m ., Paramount Theatre and Dickmann Town Center , downtown Anderson . Gospel / spiritual music concert from 10 a . m . to noon in the Paramount . All county churches will be invited to participate . Starting at noon , food , beverages , entertainment , and other family friendly activities will commence in Dickmann Town Center .
• Aug . 4 , 5 - Madison 200 Race Weekend : Anderson Motor Speedway . Friday will feature the “ Checkered Flag ” gala at the speedway , a fun evening of food and music with friends , followed Saturday by a special AMS 200-lap CRA Sportsman late-model race in honor of the bicentennial .
• Sept . 9 - Community Unity Movie Night : 4 p . m ., Jackson Park , Raible Avenue and West 22nd Street , Anderson . Informational booths , vendors , entertainment , a movie including contributions of Madison County ’ s Black community and a feature film .
• Oct . 1 - Gruenewald Open House : 2-5 p . m ., The Gruenewald House , 626 Main St ., Anderson . The historic Gruenewald House will stage a reenactment of life in the home at the time it was constructed 100 years ago . The open house will include a garden party .
• Nov . 10 - 200-Year Birthday Celebration : Paramount Theatre , downtown Anderson . Concluding celebration of the bicentennial on the 200-year birthday of Madison County . Details to be determined .
• Aug . 20 - Pendleton Porch Party : 1-5 p . m . Downtown Pendleton . Visit some of the beautiful porches in downtown Pendleton and learn about their history . Afternoon presentations at the South Madison Community Foundation .
ALEXANDRIA The Monroe Township Bicentennial Committee , in conjunction with the Alexandria-Monroe Township Historical Society and the Madison County Bicentennial Committee , would like to highlight a schedule of upcoming events that focus on the history , people , and places of the Monroe Township and / or Madison County . The events , open to the public ., have been organized by various citizens and volunteers in the area .
• June 29 at 7 p . m . presentation by Madison County Historian Stephen Jackson on the events related to World War I in Alexandria . This program will be at the Emery Lee Building in Beulah Park , Alexandria .
• July 3 at noon program dedicating the Honoring Small Town Veterans banners posted throughout Alexandria . The dedication event will occur at Harrison Square in downtown Alexandria . After an introduction by Mayor Todd Naselroad and an invocation by Pastor Randy Murphy , a dedication speech will be offered Mike Owens followed by the singing of a patriotic song by Joe Bannon . A military Honor Guard from Elwood will be present to honor these veterans . For more information , contact Mike and Connie Thomas at 765-724-7425 .
• July 7 at 1 p . m . screening of the 2016 documentary “ To Joey , with Love ” about Joey ( Martin ) Feek is scheduled to be shown at the Alex Movie Theatre , 407 N . Harrison St ., Alexandria .
• July 16 4-H Parade at 2 p . m . launches the start of the Madison County 4-H Fair . The parade begins in downtown Alexandria and travels to the Madison County Fairgrounds . The Madison County 4-H Fair runs from July 16-22 at Beulah Park and the Madison County Fairgrounds in Alexandria . For a schedule of events and more information , visit https :// madisoncounty4hfair . org /.
• July 29 noon to 6 p . m . the 25th anniversary of the White River Folk and Bluegrass Club “ Bluegrass Bash ” will be held at the Kiwanis Building in Beulah Park . For more details , contact President Adam Lambert at 765-425- 2219 .
• Sept . 30 a Madison County Bicentennial legacy project for Alexandria will focus on renovations to downtown Harrison Park in Alexandria . For more information , contact the Alexandria Main Street , Inc . organization at https :// www . facebook . com / AlexMainStreet .
• Oct . 4 at 7 p . m . Madison County Historian Stephen Jackson will present an historical overview of Monroe Township at the Alexandria Community Center .
• Nov . 3 at 1 p . m . screening of another Alexandria-related person , place , or event at the Alex Movie Theatre , 407 N . Harrison St ., Alexandria . More information to come on the planned show for this date . Contact the Alexandria-Monroe Township Historical Society at alexhistoricalsociety @ gmail . com or 765-490-0081 .
The local historical society has slates of presentations scheduled for the Anderson and Frankton public libraries throughout the year . Check the library websites and the historical society website for details .
For more details on these bicentennial events and others , look for the official Bicentennial Celebration Guide magazine to be distributed with The Herald Bulletin late this month . It will also be available for free at the newspaper and other locations in the county .