Feature: Alice Hale
Punk’s Not Dead – It’s
Just Had a Makeover!
I DON’T KNOW about you guys, but Spring is my
favourite time of the year. The weather gets
warmer, the days get longer and the skirts get
shorter. And of course, the season of new beginnings ushers in brand new trends. Fashion’s
over the pretty pastel days and the past few
years have brought us grunge couture aplenty.
2012 stomped a creeper down and it looks like
the punk trend isn’t going anywhere just yet.
to welcome in the new trend; in fact, The Blogger’s Programme launch in October included
crystal jewellery in its goody bag. Not one to be
left out of a bad girl trend, edgy pop-star Ke$ha
has released her own jewellery line with Charles
Albert, aptly named Ke$ha Rose. Her collections
include gaudy tooth bracelets and irregular rock
pendants. Independent brand Ivory Jar also
stocks some rough-cut amethyst rings, agate
necklaces and amazingly odd bone-themed jewSS14 is taking punk back to its old roots with ellery, including a hand-cast deer jaw complete
baggy shirts and statement tees. We’re not with gold teeth!
talking pretty denim dresses and flower garlands, this season is getting ugly - in a totally It’s not just the beauty and clothes that have
cute way. 2013 saw the tartan trend creep in got a grungy makeover – the rise of folk punk is
and pave the way for it’s grown up sister print – definitely going to be big this year. Nina Nesbitt
plaid. Paul Smith showed us how to rock it with won us over with her catchy songs, peroxide
jackets sporting the print alongside the ever-on- locks and fierce style. At just nineteen, she’s
trend dogtooth. Queen of punk herself Vivienne gained the love of music fans and fashionistas
Westwood put on a dramatic performance; alike. Now the face of Yumi, she’s making a real
showcasing contrasting hues of deep blue and splash in fashion biz. We’re hoping to see a lot
pale beige with loose-fitting androgynous suits. more from this Scottish beauty in SS14, style
We’re getting boyish and looking to see baggy and tune wise.
boyfriend jackets making a mark on Spring and
Summer, with strong structured shoulders and So what is it that makes the grunge look so
brogues to accessorize. Even the model’s crazy darn appealing? Perhaps it’s because beneath
make-up from the Westwood show could strike our Docs and leather jackets we’re all good girls
up some trends this season. The under-eye who love our moms and bring library books
flicks were seriously dramatic and famous vlog- back on time. We just want to feel like rebels for
ger Sammi (better known as Beautycrush) has a season. And why not? It gives us the chance
replicated the look, opting for a softer cranberry to express the naughtier, more daring side that
eye shadow rather than a striking liner.
we all have hidden within but are too shy to let
show. As a girl who’s grown up in Doc Martens
Nature is looking to be a huge part of SS14 but since she was ten and has naturally messy hair,
it’s giving the finger to the usual floral prints I’m hoping that this trend will stick around for
and going tough with amazing rock jewellery. a while. Maybe I’ll look like I’m on-trend on purInstead of pretty polished gems expect to see a pose. For now, let’s enjoy being good little bad
whole heap of jagged geodes and chipped crys- girls this season. Embrace the anarchist inside
tals. Cutting edge bloggers have already started girls! I know you’ve got it in you.