Natalie Moore
Tim Wallace - Displaying
Commercial Photography
hibition like page. I have taken this element and
applied it to my own website with a personal
spin to suit my work.
Tim Wallace has had an interesting life. He went
from being in the Royal Marines, to working in
the media industry, and then eventually deciding to set up his hugely successful car photographic company, Ambient Life. Over the recent years Ambient Life has continued to go
from strength to strength and this case study
will investigate the ways in which Tim displays
his work.
Strategy One
Like many other photographers, Tim’s company
has its own website which hosts the majority
of his work, client list and contact details. This
seems to be the main strategy when looking at
how commercial photographers can easily show
their work to a large amount of people.
To the right you can see this. Along with showing Tim’s array of work, it also shows his past
and current client list, for example, Aston Martin and Morgan. The work on this page is very
commercial and does not seem to be very personal, so one would assume that this work has
been created on a commercial basis.
This page interests me the most because Tim
has a separate section for ‘Commercial’ work
but I would consider all of his automotive photography to be commercial too. I believe the
reason for this is because of the extent of work
Tim has done for the other areas means that
the get their own section. Within the commercial section, it is clear the images have come
from small projects with have been complied
into the area.
Strategy Two
Scott Kelby (NAPP), featured Wallace’s work on
the well renowned site and referred to his work as “some of the most inspirational automotive work to come out of the
United Kingdom”. The display of Tim’s work
When looking at Ambient Life, the first element started in 2011 when he travelled to the United
to show Tim’s work is the homepage. With a States to film four, one hour instructional classbrief description, a large eye catching image of es for Kelby Training to join the ranks of Kela David Brown Aston Martin greets you. This is by instructor photographers around the world
the first image you see of his work and the ini- such as Joe McNally.
tial image shows that Tim is able to control the
light within a photograph and that he works for KelbyOne is a great way for Tim to show his
a well-known automotive company.
work along with showing his knowledge about
the industry. On the website Tim has his own
From the homepage, you enter the ‘Work Port- section, as well as a profile page to inform viewfolio’ page where every single area of photogra- ers about his work. All these pages lead to the
phy that Ti