Disaster Survival Magazine #7 | Page 6

Winter Edition Issue #7 Disaster Survival Magazine PO BOX 175 Swain, NY 14884 607-382-2523 [email protected] www.disastersurvivalnetwork.com Contact us for advertising our rates will be increasing after jan 1st 2016 Email us if you have any questions or comments. Preview -Take look inside Click here to subscribe Somewhere in between the fanatical preppers highlighted on the hit reality show “Doomsday Preppers” and the millions of Americans who have done nothing to assemble emergency supplies lies “middle ground prepping.” Middle ground prepping is a concept that provides a measured and reasonable approach for novices to prepare for impending emergencies or disasters in order to protect yourself and your family. Middle Ground Prepping provides five well-defined steps that will allow you to develop a comprehensive emergency plan in a reasonable amount of time. By simply following the Planning, Acquiring, Responding, Training, and Evaluating steps you will experience considerable peace of mind and knowledge that your family is prepared to survive any disaster that may come your way. You can be a sensible prepper on your schedule without becoming obsessed with over-the-top preparedness notions and low probability theoretical disasters. For product or book reviews please ship them to the adress listed above.