Disaster Safety Review 2013 Vol. 2 | Page 12

IBHSOF LONG-TERM AGING ROOF FARMS: EFFECTS HOW A ROOF FARM ON YOUR CAMPUS CAN REDUCE LOSSES Several IBHS closed claims studies have shown that older buildings have higher claim frequencies in a variety of natural disasters. In some cases, this may be due to changes in building codes requiring stronger construction for new buildings. In other instances, it could be due to degradation of buildSeveral IBHS closed maintenance have shown older buildings. Many roofing products are known ing materials or poor claims studies practices for that older buildings have higher claim frequencies in a variety of natural disasters. amount of degradation expected to vary with the local environment. to degrade over time, with the In some cases, this may be due to changes in building codes requiring stronger aging of roofs in various climates other instances, it could be due to wind and impact Controlledconstruction for new buildings. Incoupled with systematic testing for degradation of rebuilding materials needed data to improve vulnerability assessments. sistance will provideor poor maintenance practices for older buildings. Many roofing products are known to degrade over time, with the amount of degradation expected to vary with the local IBHS has initiated a long-term aging program to study performance of aged roofing materials when environment. Controlled aging of roofs in various climates coupled with systematic testing for wind subjected to high wind or impact tests. Material types, roof pitch, aging lengths, and type of weathand impact resistance will provide needed data to improve vulnerability assessments. ering concerns were prioritized by the Research Advisory Council’s Shingle Roofing Research Task IBHS has initiated a long-term aging program to study performance of aged roofing materials Force, comprised of counwhen subjected to high wind or impact tests. Material types, roo