Dis-Chem Half Marathon 2023 Digimag 2023 | Page 9

Give your body a ‘ wake-up ’ call before your run

Every runner knows we need to warm up before a training session or race but few of us do so properly or at all . Even those who do an easy run and a few stretches miss the mark in terms of an adequate warm-up , particularly when we want to perform at our best and reduce our injury risk .
Get the blood flowing
Every comprehensive pre-run warm-up session should start with some light cardiovascular activity to increase blood flow to the legs and raise the temperature of working muscles .
This preparation also helps to improve mobility in joints and increases range of motion by making connective tissue more pliable , which reduces injury risk .
A few stretches usually follow before we dive into the workout or line up on the start line . But a proper warm-up should include more than a few old-school static hamstring holds .
Jolt muscles back to life
Just like your favourite pre-workout supplement or caffeine fix , a proper warm-up should give your body – specifically your nervous system and muscles – a ‘ wake-up call ’ before your run .
This is particularly important in the context of our modern lifestyles because periods of extended sitting can ‘ shut down ’ or deactivate important muscles like our glutes – a primary mover muscle for runners .
This can cause movement dysfunction as other muscles must pick up the slack to compensate for the lack of glute activation . And when weaker muscles like your quads and lower back muscles are called on to perform functions they weren ’ t designed for , pain and injuries soon follow .
Activating our neuromuscular system before a workout can rouse specific muscles from ‘ sleep mode ’ and ensure they fire optimally . The proper drills can also fully engage all the relevant muscles and get them firing in the right sequence so that they perform their jobs right from the start .
And the best way to turn on everything is with dynamic pre-workout activation drills . A pre-workout activation routine should consist of various general mobility drills , in addition to specific movement preparation drills and dynamic stretches that are designed to enhance the communication between your brain via your nervous system and your muscles .
Functional movement patterns
The drills you perform should also be specific to the activity you ’ re about to perform . These movement drills should target the neuromuscular system by activating specific muscles and movement patterns to ensure primary movers and all the stabiliser muscles are ready to fire in sequence .
Running requires that the muscles and joints around your hips and in your legs function optimally . As such , glute and hip flexor activation drills are ideal before any workout or race , as are hip mobility drills .
Examples include high knees , pull-throughs , heel-to-glute kicks , walking lunges with arm swings , toe touch walks , and front-to-back and side-to-side leg swings .
And it ’ s important to include dynamic stretches as research shows that static holds activate a protective neuromuscular reflex that temporarily reduces a muscle ’ s ability to produce maximal force .
Pre-workout activation guidelines
Keep your pre-workout activation routine brief – no more than 10 minutes . The idea is not to fatigue muscles , so keep the intensity light , or perform only a few reps of intense explosive movements .
It is also important to focus on both the contraction ( concentric ) and the lengthening ( eccentric ) phases of every drill or dynamic stretch .
And aim to complete your activation session at least 10 minutes before your highintensity workout or race to clear any residual fatigue . This approach should ensure you ’ re all fired up and ready to go when that start gun goes off !
Article courtesy Living Fit magazine 9