DIR's Supplier Diversity Information Resource Guide 20, Jan 2012 | Página 17

COPYRIGHT 2012, DIVERSITY INFORMATION RESOURCES, MINNEAPOLIS, MN SECTION 2 SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION US Small Business Administration (SBA) 409 Third Street, SW Washington, DC 20416 1-800-U-ASK-SBA (1-800-827-5722) www.sba.gov The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) was created in 1953 as an independent agency of the federal government to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of small business concerns, to preserve free competitive enterprise and to maintain and strengthen the overall economy of our nation. We recognize that n. io small business is critical to our economic recovery and strength, to building America’s future, and to helping rmat fo in the United States compete in today’s global marketplace. Although SBA has grown and evolved in the years re mo r start, since it was established in 1953, the bottom line mission remains the same. The SBA helps Americans fo m .co build and grow businesses. Through an extensive network of field offices and partnerships with spublic and rce ou private organizations, SBA delivers its services to people throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, the U. S. es oR Inf Virgin Islands and Guam. ity rs ve Di fo@ t In 8(a) Business Development Program c The 8(a) Program (named for Section 8(a) of the Small Business Act) is a conta business development program e created to help small disadvantaged businesses compete in the markets place. It is also designed to assist lea .P N such companies in gaining access to federal and private procurement markets. ,M lis o ap ne in The focus of the program is to provide business development support, such as mentoring, procurement ,M es rc assistance, business counseling, training, financial sassistance, surety bonding and other management and ou Re technical assistance. The goal, however, is to prepare small disadvantaged firms for procurement and other on ati rm business opportunities. fo ty rsi ive In D Central Contractor Registration (CCR) – www.ccr.gov an r th CCR is the primary registrantthdatabase for the U.S. Federal Government. CCR collects, validates, stores, and e o tity disseminates data in support of agency acquisition missions, including Federal agency contract and assisen ny tance awards. Please anote that the term “assistance awards” includes grants, cooperative agreements and y b ld other forms of rfederal assistance. Whether applying for assistance awards, contracts, or other business so o ed opportunities, all entities are considered “registrants”. uc r be rod ep t Both current and potential federal government registrants are required to register in CCR in order to be no ay n mawarded contracts by the federa ?v?fW&??V?B?&Vv?7G&?G2&R&WV?&VBF?6???WFR??R?F??R&Vv?7G&F????F???F?&?f?FR&6?2??f?&?F???&V?Wf?BF?&?7W&V?V?B?Bf???6??G&?67F???2?&Vv?7G&?G2?W7BWFFR? ??6???V ?7???&V?WrF?V?"&Vv?7G&F???B?V7B??6RW"?V"F????F???7F?fR7FGW2???FF?F????V?F?F?W2?&?fFR???F??&?f?G2?VGV6F?????&v?F???2?7FFR?B&Vv????vV?6?W2?WF2??F?B?f?"76?7F?6Rv&G2g&??F?RfVFW&?v?fW&??V?BF?&?Vv?w&?G2?v?b?W7B??r&Vv?7FW"v?F?45"2vV?????vWfW"?&Vv?7G&F????????v?wV&?FVW2F?B6??G&7B?"76?7F?6Rv&Bv???&Rv&FVB?45"f?FFW2F?R&Vv?7G&?B??f?&?F????BV?V7G&???6??6?&W2F?R6V7W&R?BV?7'?FVBFFv?F?F?P?fVFW&?vV?6?W>( ?f???6R?ff?6W2F?f6??FFRW&?W72??V?G2F?&?Vv?V?V7G&???2gV?G2G&?6fW"?TeB???FF?F??????45"6?&W2F?RFFv?F?fVFW&?v?fW&??V?B&?7W&V?V?B?BV?V7G&???2'W6??W727?7FV?2???V6R??FRF?B????f?&?F???&?f?FVB????W"&Vv?7G&F?????&R6?&VBv?F?WF??&??VBfVFW&??v?fW&??V?B?ff?6W2???vWfW"?&Vv?7G&F???F?W2??BwV&?FVR'W6??W72v?F?F?RfVFW&?v?fW&??V?B?#"7W?W"F?fW'6?G???f?&?F???&W6?W&6RwV?FP?????4??DT?B??$RU??$TC?4TRuur?D?dU%4?E???d?$U4?U$4U2?4??d?"?DU5BdU%4???4T5D??? ??