Diplomatist Special Report Nigeria | Page 8

[SPECIAL REPORT] TITBITS FROM THE DESK OF H.E. MAJ. GEN. CHRIS S. EZE ON NIGERIA’S ECONOMIC AND INVESTMENT POTENTIAL Nigeria as a Preferred Investment Destination in Africa • The largest economy in Africa. • Abundant natural resources such as crude oil, coal, bitumen, solid minerals, arable land, adequate sunlight and rainfall, among others. Further details of nature’s bounty can be found on the Nigeria Investment Promotion Commission website, www.invest-nigeria.com. • A growing and huge population (more than 180 million) which guarantees a large market to all industries. • Nigerian economy is closely linked with the economies of other countries in ECOWAS. The country’s economy is also booming with massive ongoing infrastructure projects. • Democracy and its institutions are becoming stable which adds to the creation of an investment-conducive environment. Competitiveness of ECOWAS in the Global Economy ECOWAS as a regional economic forum is fi lled with huge yet untapped potential. However, with huge hydro-carbon 8 • Nigeria-India• 2018 deposits being discovered in its member countries and with governance improving, the forum is poised to become the dominant trading block in Africa; with Nigeria leading the economic integration. Eff orts are also ongoing for ECOWAS to adopt a single currency to complement the already existing free market and free movement of goods and people. Diversifi cation of the Nigerian Economy Diversification is taken very seriously by both the government and by the private sector. Emphasis is on agriculture, solid minerals, infrastructure, solar energy, ICT and value addition to primary products. Anti-Corruption President Buhari has been unanimously chosen by African Heads of State as the face of anti-corruption within the continent. This shows how serious he is in curbing the menace. The President has been blocking leakages; recovering looted funds; investigating corrupt governments offi cials and politicians, and charging them to court; enlisting