Diplomatist Special Report Nigeria | Page 23

[SPECIAL REPORT] infrastructure, public transport, clean energy, irrigation, agriculture, and manufacturing across Africa. Nigeria is the most widely recognised global player on the African landmark. It is the biggest economy on the continent, with global aspirations in terms of a new world order and is considered by India as an important partner for development. India is now the largest trading partner of Nigeria globally and Nigeria is the largest trading partner of India in Africa. The bilateral trade last year (2017-18) touched $12 billion, according to national statistics. Most of this trade is reliant on oil import from Nigeria, which stands at 80 percent of imports, compared to 20 percent of Indian exports to Nigeria. These exports range from pharmaceuticals, engineering equipment, automobiles to products in the power sector. Technology will be a strong foundation of this partnership. Greater cooperation is envisaged in the future along diverse verticals: Pan Africa e-Network, reduction in the digital divide within Africa and between Africa and rest of the world, sustainable development of the blue economy, clean energy, climate, health care, and resilient agriculture. At the second India Africa Forum Summit in Addis Ababa, Indian Prime Minister had emphasised, “The India- Africa partnership rests on three pillars: capacity building, skill transfer, and trade and infrastructure development”, highlighting the new dynamics of India-Nigeria ties. India commitment to transferring skills and knowledge to the African youth would be evident from the fact that the technical training slots under the Indian Technical Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme have been increased manifold; over 1000 offi cials and 15,000 African students receive training in India annually. Pan African e-Network project gave Africa a great opportunity to bridge the digital divide and to further telemedicine and distance learning programmes linked to Indian Universities. The Indian Government provides 3.5 million dollars as capacity building assistance to train Nigerian government offi cials under the ITEC programme. At this year’s ITEC Day in Abuja, Indian High Commissioner mentioned that the slots under the programme would cover 310 civilians and 120 defence training programmes in 2017-2018. An additional 1.2 million dollars were made available for 55 more training programmes off ered in 2017 and 10 rural women referred to as `solar mamas’ will be trained in fabrication, repair, and maintenance of solar lanterns and household lightening systems. Twenty Nigerian diplomats are currently undergoing a Special Training Programme at the Foreign Training Institute in India, India is providing for specialised training of Nigerian diplomats. Pan African e-Network project gave Africa a great opportunity to bridge the digital divide and to further telemedicine and distance learning programmes linked to Indian Universities. It is obvious that Nigeria and India have several factors in common such as large population, democratic political system, and diverse societies and both countries also share common challenges such as terrorism, insurgency and strive for inclusive socio-economic development. Although economic and political ties between the two countries have expanded in the last decade, the scope for enhancement of the relationship always remains. . * The author is former Ambassador of India to Senegal and six other African countries. On retirement, he became Chairman of Overseas Infrastructure Alliance (India) Pvt. Ltd. (OIA) for close to ten years. In both assignments, he initiated and expanded economic relations with various foreign heads of state/government, senior government offi cials, and business leaders. Nigeria-India• 2018 • 23