Diplomatist Special Report Argentina | Page 37

Part of Raqs Media Collective Exposition at PROA Foundation (PROA, 2015b) Poster of the coproduction “Thinking of Him”, by Pablo César (2018). (Cartelera de cine, 2018) References: Cartelera de cine (2018). Recuperado de https://www.google. com.ar/search?q=afi che+de+Pensando+en+%C3%A9l+(Pablo+C esar)&rlz=1C1GGRV_enAR751AR751&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source =univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj2opD124feAhXFlZAKHXUNCnUQs AR6BAgFEAE&biw=1024&bih=657#imgrc=WvDv7LxkDtUGrM: Dube, S.(Coord) (1999). Pasados Poscoloniales. México: El Colegio de México. Giménez, G. (2000). Identidades en globalización. Espiral, Vll, 19, pp. 27-48. Indra Mantras (n.d.). Indra Mantras. Retrieved from http:// indramantras.com/en/proyecto/ La Casa del Bicentenario (2015). Mitos y símbolos del arte de la India. Retrieved from https://casadelbicentenario.gob.ar/31791/ agenda-y noticias/agenda/exposiciones-mitos-y-simbolos-del-arte- de-la-india-en-la-coleccion-del-museo-nacional-de-arte-oriental-2 Liland, F. (1993). Culture and Foreign Policy. An Indroduction to Approaches and Theory. Noruega: IFS. Municipalidad de Villa General Belgrano. Comenzó India en VGB. Retrieved from http://vgb.gov.ar/municipalidad/comenzo- india-en-vgb/ Museo Nacional de Arte Oriental (2018). Industrias culturales de Oriente: Bollywood. Retrieved from https://mnao.cultura.gob.ar/ actividad/industrias-culturales-de-oriente-bollywood/ In relation to the cultural industries of India, in 2018 there was a cycle of cultural events in the National Senate sponsored by the National Museum of Oriental Art of Argentina in which the current characteristics of the Bollywood cinema, its outstanding volume of production as well as the its international projection were exposed. In the light of the Indian film model, the connection between the production and distribution model of India and that of Argentina was also discussed, considering the identity and commercial keys to success. These numerous cultural and artistic expressions have collaborated in bringing India closer to the Argentine public. Finally, it is worth mentioning that besides the design of foreign policy by the State, the task of culture involves diff erent social agents that help to conceive exchanges between the two countries based on a network idea, which articulates diff erent agents and it deepens and richly diversifi es that relationship. *The author is researcher at USAL, UBA, Working Group on India and South Asia, Asian Aff airs Committee, CARI PROA (2015a). PROA Exhibiciones. Presentación Raqs Media Collective: ·Es posible porque es posible”. Retrieved from http:// www.proa.org/esp/exhibition-raqs-media-collective.php Proa (2015b). Obras- Raqs Media Collective-Exhibiciones- Fundación PROA. Retrieved from http://proa.org/esp/exhibition- raqs-media-collective-obras-2-image.php Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación (2018) Industrias culturales de Oriente: Bollywood. Retrieved from https://www.cultura.gob.ar/ industrias-culturales-de-oriente-bollywood_6576/ (2015). Se exponen mitos y símbolos del arte de la India en la Casa del Bicentenario. Retrieved from https://www.cultura.gob.ar/ noticias/se-exponen-mitos-y-simbolos-del-arte-de-la-india-en-la- casa-del-bicentenario/ Télam (2015). Patricia Sosa representará a la Argentina en In- dia. Retrieved from https://inrosario.com.ar/noticias/inradio/59367- patricia-sosa-representara-a-la-argentina-en-la-india.html The Indian Express (2015). 46th IFFI opens tomorrow, will showcase fi lms from 89 nations. The Indian Express (November, 19). Retrieved from https://indianexpress.com/article/entertainment/ bollywood/46th-iffi-opens-tomorrow-will-showcase-films-from- 89-nations/ Vaidya, A. (2015). Tracing the Argentine tango in India. Forbes (June 30). Retrieved from http://www.forbesindia.com/article/live/ tracing-the-argentine-tango 37 make up the valuable Indian collection of the National Museum of Oriental Art. The exhibition displayed the traditional art of India through myths and symbols typical of two of its most important cultural traditions: Hinduism and Buddhism. Tapestries, paintings, bronzes and sculptures were part of a visual journey that allowed the public to know the essential aspects of Indian millenary culture with its vigorous and unique spiritual, religious and artistic elements. Also in 2015, Raqs Media Collective (Monica Narula, Jeebesh Bagchi, and Shuddhabrata Sengupta), created in Delhi in 1992, made an exhibition at the PROA Foundation in the City of Buenos Aires (PROA, 2015a). Considering cinema, it can be mentioned that in 2015, 4 Argentine fi lms participated in the International Film Festival of India (The Indian Express, 2015). For its part, in 2018 an Argentine-Indian co-production, directed by Pablo César and filmed in both countries, “Thinking of him”, which addresses the relationship of Tagore and Victoria Ocampo, was released.