Studies, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies,
Jawaharlal Nehru University.
• Department of Germanic and Romance Studies,
University of Delhi. In this case, as it was said before, Dr.
Maurya, Dr. Venkataraman and Dr. Taneja visited CARI
in 2015. Likewise, Dr. Rodriguez de la Vega (UNLZ, UP,
FIEB, CARI) participated at the International Conference
“India / Latin America. Emerging Epistemological Options
& Inter / Cross / Transcultural Dialogues. A Sur / South
Conference”, organized by the Department of Germanic and
Romanic Studies, held at the University of Delhi and the
India International Center, New Delhi, India (10,11 and 12
* The author is researcher and professor at Lomas de Zamora
National University; Palermo University; Buddhist Studies Institute
Foundation; Working Group on India and South Asia, Asian Aff airs
Committee, Argentina Council for International Relations; Latin
American Association for Asian and African Studie
In an event recently held in Buenos Aires, Gustavo Zlauvinen
(Undersecretary of Foreign Policy, Ministry of Foreign Aff airs
and Worship of Argentina) highlighted the work of the Embassy
of Argentina in India and the Consulate General in Mumbai
in the dissemination of Spanish as a foreign language and the
implementation of the CELU / Certifi cate of Spanish: Language and
Use. It was also mentioned that within the framework of the Southern
Subsidy Program for Translations (PROSUR), it was agreed with
several Indian publishers to cover translation costs of classic
Argentine literary works to be published in Hindi, Marathi and
Bengali (some are already published and in 2018, Los Siete Locos
and El Juguete Rabioso by Roberto Arlt will also be published).
The author thanks the permanent support of the Argentine
Embassy in India and the Indian embassy in Argentina.
The possibilities that open up in terms of academic
cooperation are truly diverse and extremely important. What
happens in a university inserted in the community life is
closely related to citizenship and public action spaces, while
a university educational proposal that recognizes and involves
diff erent modes of apprehension of reality contributes to
articulate citizens and professionals in the construction of
knowledge that can account for a diverse world and in this
case, contribute to the relationship between both countries,
within the framework of democratic values in the management
of diversity and contributing to enhance all other areas of
The perspective of cooperation between the academic
spaces of both countries undoubtedly allows us to think of
a deeper bilateral relationship, which compromises a more
developed dynamic between academia and government
management and a greater commitment to the construction
of South-South cooperation.
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