Diplomatist Special Report Argentina | Page 24

Dancer Manisha Chauchan Indian identity in Argentina, is in a dynamic that interacts between patterns of action that promote a sense of belonging to the Indian diaspora as such, as a permanent process that penetrates the social life of the emigrants and the particular dynamics of those who are part of this community. “Bollywood” style dancers, Harjit (Yita) Singh, with a fusion of traditional and modern dances; Nora Singh, who recreates Punjab dances with Sikhs young people, among others (see photos 5,6). Others spread the Indian music, like Sanjay Bhadoriya who plays and teaches tabla. Others, like Souptik Chakraborty, project Indian cultural dynamics in Argentina, through a documentary called “Argentina loves India”, which he wrote, directed and co- produced (with Juan Pablo Castino) (see photo 7). This is added to the diff erent elements of continuity between both generations within the community and its projection to the outside of it. Thus, this Indian identity in Argentina, is in a dynamic that interacts between patterns of action that promote a sense of belonging to the Indian diaspora as such, as a permanent process that penetrates the social life of the emigrants and the particular dynamics of those who are part of this community, in the specifi c Argentine context, spreading their culture of origin and incorporating local elements, in any case acting their potential as cultural agents, contributing to greater understanding between both countries, while maintaining contacts with diff erent areas of the planet where relatives and friends reside, as part of that extensive network of fl ows that constitutes the Indian diaspora, which permeates the country of origin and those of residence. 24 References Barbé, E. (2008). Relaciones internacionales. Madrid: Tecnos. Bhat, Ch., (1988). India and the Indian Diaspora. A Policy Issues. Ocassional Paper 4. Department of Sociology, University of Hyderabag, Retrieved from http://www.indiandiaspora.nis.in/ Croce, I. (2018). Un puente que une India y la Argentina. Espectáculos, La Prensa (28 de mayo). Geertz, C. (1973/2003). La interpretación de las culturas. Barcelona: Editorial Gedisa. Giménez, G. (2007). Cultura política e Identidad. In Giménez, G. Estudios sobre la cultura y las identidades sociales (pp. 195-214). México: Conaculta-Iteso. High Level Committee on Indian Diaspora (n.d.). The Indian Diaspora. Retrieved from http://indiandiaspora.nic.in/contents.htm Leclerc, E. (2004). L’invention d’une diaspora indienne: enjeux politiques et sociaux. In Espaces et sociétés aujourd’hui (la géographie sociale dans l’espace et dans l’action). Rennes, Université de Rennes. Retrieved from http://eso.cnrs.fr/IMG/pdf/ le.pdf Nye, J. S. (2008). Public Diplomacy and Soft Power. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 616 (1), 94-109. Portal Informativo de Salta (n.d.). La comunidad hindú en Salta- Rosario de la Frontera. Retrieved from http://www.portaldesalta. gov.ar/sociedadindu.html Rodríguez de la Vega, L. (2006). Las diásporas en las relaciones internacionales. La inmigración india en Argentina; primera y segunda generación. Tesis de Doctorado. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires. Sadous, E. (2006). El Maharajá de Kapurthala en Buenos Aires. Historias de la Ciudad. Una revista de Buenos Aires, Vll, 39, 16-20. Sierra e Iglesias, J. P. (1998). Un tiempo que se fue. Vida y obra de los hermanos Leach. San Pedro de Jujuy: UNJU-Municipalidad de San Pedro de Jujuy. Singh Kahlon, S. (2012). Sikhs in Latin America. Travels among the Sikh Diaspora. Delhi: Manohar. Ministry of External Affairs/MEA (2017). Population of Overseas Indians (Compiled in December, 2017). Retrieved from http://mea.gov.in/images/attach/NRIs-and-PIOs_1.pdf UN (2017). International Migration Report 2017. Highlights. New York: United Nations. Retrieved from http://www.un.org/ en/development/desa/population/migration/publications/ migrationreport/docs/MigrationReport2017_Highlights.pdf Vertovec, S. y Cohen, R. (1999). Migration, Diasporas and Transnationalism. Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. * The author is researcher and professor at Lomas de Zamora National University; Palermo University; Buddhist Studies Institute Foundation; Working Group on India and South Asia, Asian Aff airs Committee, Argentina Council for International Relations; Latin American Association for Asian and African Studies